TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 49.2: 3 EdTech Truths

3EdTechTruthsTCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 49.2...Three EdTech Truths

Part 2 of the "3 EdTech Truths" podcast, including the Tech Tool of the Week. And here is the final truth Danelle gleamed from the 4T Virtual Conference:

Fundamental, Research Based, Truths about Technology

3. Good teaching is good teaching. The teacher is the magic bullet, not the tech tool!

Here are more opportunities to uncover your "TechTruth":

TCAPS Summer 2018 Technology PD Lineup

Transcripts are still in the works...getting there.  Enjoy the show!

A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden and a cast of thousands spreading the good word regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools, Public Education and Education Technology.

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Music provided by Podington Bear


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