TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 46: Staff Appreciation
TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 46...Staff Appreciation
It's a very special week at TCAPS as we celebrate Staff Appreciation Week. Danelle and I traveled around the District to gather some "shout-outs". Though this is a TCAPS specific TCAPSLoop Weekly I'd like to share my appreciation for all the educators who make a difference in students lives. There is no higher calling than educating our youth.
Storytime from Space
Stories are cool, Astronauts are cool, the International Space Station is cool, Astronauts reading stories from the ISS is AWESOME! Take story time with your students up a notch.
A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden and a cast of thousands spreading the good word regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools, Public Education and Education Technology.
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Music provided by Podington Bear
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