TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 49: 3 EdTech Truths
TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 49...Three EdTech Truths
Danelle spent the entire weekend ignoring her family so she could bring you the TRUTH about EDTECH! We discuss the revelations discovered from taking part in 13 of the possible 18 4T Virtual Conference Sessions (Session Recordings will be posted soon so you can catch up on what sessions you missed). The content was so good we had to split it up into two parts. Part two will be posted early next week. And here are the first two...Fundamental, research based, truths about technology
1. Tech is better when used together.
- Twisted Wave
- Mentimenter
- Digital Parking Lots - Padlet, Google
- Getting Started with Project Based Learning (
2. Technology can offer experiences to students that they can't get elsewhere.
- Google Earth
- Google Voyager (also check out Google's article about the release of Voyager)
- Storybird
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy (from Edutopia and ASCD)
- Phet Interactive Simulations - University of Colorado Boulder
The Techtool of the Week will be included in the post for part two.
A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden and a cast of thousands spreading the good word regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools, Public Education and Education Technology.
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Music provided by Podington Bear
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