TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 77: Classroom Library

Classroom LibraryTCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 77...Classroom Library

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Though this Classroom Library doesn’t contain Rumi, Sun Tzu or Ron Burgandy, Stephie Luyt was able to make some suggestions that would meet the needs of your classroom. So dust off those leather bound volumes that smell of rich mahogany and take a listen to this weeks TCAPSLoop Weekly.
Check out these additional resources:

Seattle Global Reading Challenge

We Need Diverse Books

Books for woke kids - younger grades

      Transcripts are still in the works...getting there.  Enjoy the show!

      A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden and a cast of thousands spreading the good word regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools, Public Education and Education Technology.

      Please subscribe to and rate our podcast on iTunes, or via email and join our conversation on twitter @tcapsloop or the tcapsloop facebook page and check out the what's new on the Loop.

      Music provided by Podington Bear


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