TCAPSLoop Weekly Podcast Episode 37: Create vs. Consume

 Podcast AudioTCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 37...Create vs. Consume

We often fall back to the "Sit n' Git" model of education because it is what we were raised with. Danelle shares some strategies to move our students away from being solely consumers of content and towards being creators, makers and productive digital citizens. 

GoGuardian 2018 Benchmark Report: A Four Part Series

The Art of Science and Teaching: Representing Knowledge Nonlinguistically

Additional reading on this topic:

New Strategies to Get Kids to Create Media, Not Just Consume It

Maximize Learning with Digital Tools: Moving from Consumption to Creation

What is Creative Problem Solving and Why Is It Important?

 TCAPSLoop Weekly on Youtube

Tech Tool of the Week

Options for getting your students creating!

Adobe Spark

Book Creator (Note: The teacher needs to set up the classroom first).




Tinkercad and City X Project

Stop Motion Animator Chrome App

Cardboard and MakeDo

SoundTrap (not Sound Cloud...I misspoke during the podcast)



Garage Band

Stop Motion Studio

A new Baumann Certified Podcast with Any Baumann coming soon as well as some new additions to the TCAPSLoop Podcast Feed!  More to come.

Transcripts are still in the works...getting there.  Enjoy the show!

A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden and a cast of thousands spreading the good word regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools, Public Education and Education Technology.

Please subscribe to and rate our podcast on iTunes, or join our conversation on twitter @tcapsloop or the tcapsloop facebook page and check out the what's new on the Loop.

Music provided by Podington Bear


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