TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 22: Digital Citizenship

 Podcast AudioTCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 22...Digital Citizenship

It's Digital Citizenship week and TCAPSLoop would like to Represent!  Teaching our students to be good "Digital Citizens" may be the most important responsibility we have as educators.  Follow  #digcitweek on Twitter to get involved and educated on how we can teach students to use Technology responsibly as producers not just consumers.

Here are some of the resources we discussed in the show that I can't recommend enough:

Common Sense Media is always a great place to start,
Common Sense DigCit resources 

ISTE #DigCitWeek webinar -
If you missed yesterday's terrific webinar w/ @DrKMattson & @jamielewsadder you can watch it here: #DigCitWeek

Print and Post this in your classroom:
ISTE Citizenship in the Digital Age infographic

Check out this TEDtalk by former Google Design Ethicist, Tristan Harris:

Tech Tool of the Week

 The NEW AND IMPROVED Google Calendar!

Check out the the Technollergists latest tutorial on the tcapsLoop youtube channel:

Transcripts are still in the works...getting there.  Enjoy the show!

A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden and a cast of thousands spreading the good word regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools, Public Education and Education Technology.

Check out the new Free Parking podcast with TCAPS Principals Lisa VanLoo and Toby Tisdale for the status of the Intense Student Support Network (ISSN) and the Blueprint for Acceleration.

Please subscribe to and rate our podcast on iTunes, or join our conversation on twitter @tcapsloop or the tcapsloop facebook page and check out the what's new on the Loop.

Music provided by Podington Bear


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