TCAPSLoop Weekly: Episode 2

TCAPSLoop Weekly...or at least that's the goal.  A weekly podcast hosted by Danelle Brostrom and Larry Burden devoted to the latest goings on regarding Traverse City Area Public Schools and Education Technology.

This episode digs deeper into GMail Migration with some tips and tricks to look forward to and a deeper dive into Digital Literacy revolving around the documentary Screenagers.  Don't miss the Free showing at Lars Hockstad Auditorium on April 9th at 2pm.  This documentary is a must see for any parent.

Show notes should become more involved including transcripts going forward.  Enjoy the show!

Please subscribe to and rate our podcast on iTunes, or join our conversation on twitter @tcapsloop or the tcapsloop facebook page and check out the what's new on the Loop.

TCAPSLoop Weekly Episode 2

Music provided by Podington Bear 


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